Church Growth Strategies – how messed up is that?

3-4 minute read. You can use business for the good of all or the greed of a few. I started this Christian online marketing agency because I saw a much-needed service for Christian entrepreneurs and Ministries; A well-informed faith based marketing companies that serves God before clients and clients before self.

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Is mixing religion and business ethics something that should be frowned upon? Or, can businesses maintain a standard that church growth strategies use? Or is it even ethical to seek Christian web design or a Christian logo design. Let’s see what scripture for entrepreneurs has to say about it.

Many people (including Pastors) say Church growth strategy is a relationship that should be discouraged. But, I ask why.

❝If you want a successful business, your people must feel that you are working for them—not that they are working for you.❞ —Sam Walton

Samuel Moore Walton was an American business magnate best known for founding the retailers Walmart and Sam’s Club

Three images reflect the values of what we believe and what church growth strategies are important.  Regardless if for ministry or business

Monday – December 19, 2022

Some individuals believe that Christians should not be entrepreneurs. Instead, they should be followers. However, I’ve observed over the decades that there is only one thing that the government and the Church have in common. They both have a closet disdain for business.

And once again, I ask myself, why?

Without business, there would be no paychecks, and people would have no money to pay their taxes or tithes. I do not understand why the Government and Church don’t embrace business instead of repelling it. Applying Churches enhances growth strategy for what is right.

The only time that the Bible speaks about business in a negative light is when it is performed dishonestly and void of integrity. Or when the profits from the company are stored in greed and not for anyone other than themselves. Some examples:

Romans 6.14

For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

1 Corinthians 10.31

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God

2 Peter 1.5

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge,

I can’t imagine a world without entrepreneurs. Think about this: no one has any incentive to invent anything new or be able to give their neighbors a job to provide for their families. We’d all live on family farms and ranches, fending for ourselves. And what about the Church, who would pay its expenses? Or, arguably worse, work for the government. Which way sounds more Christian to you? That, or applying ethical and honest Church growth strategies for churches, non-profits, and businesses.

I believe it is important to follow my Lord Jesus Christ and provide Church growth strategies wherever possible. We are a Christian web design company that offers other marketing services. I make no apologies for either.

Our faith-based marketing companies a Rejected Stone, and also our sister company, Handcraft’d, will make this pledge to you, our clients/customers:

#1) For our time, tools, and digital marketing talents, we will charge a fair and honest price for our services.  

#2) Anyone working on your account and I will have one objective to deliver the best Christian growth strategies with one goal—your business’s or non-profit’s success- to the best of our ability. We will work on your account, such as “We have skin in the game!

#3) We will not bill you for any work not performed or not necessary for your success.

#4) Our pricing will be upfront with no signed contracts. You are free to cancel whenever you wish. We would appreciate a 2-3 month notice, but that’s not a requirement. Whenever you request a refund in the first 25 days, you will receive 100% of your money back regardless of how much time and expense we spent on your account up to then. After 25 days, it will be prorated by the day at a 50% return to your rate unless the agreed-upon service is completed.

#5) We are very transparent in our Christian SEO company and Church growth startegy services. Or any of the other services we provide. Everything is spelled out in advance with no surprises.

One more last point. You’ll notice anywhere on either of my websites where I write about me that I never give myself the title of CEO or Founder. Nor am I the “Big Guy.” Instead, I’m the Project Manager. Mainly because the actual owner of the company is of a much higher power than any of us. We are a faith based marketing company.

That concludes my thoughts on this topic; anything more would be beating a dead horse.

Please email me if you have a comment, either Pro or Con. This Christian SEO company, Church growth strategies and all other digital Ministry/business aspects are here to serve you.

Next month, as promised, I’ll continue with Part 2 of the November blog. I’ll discuss modern-day Business Digital Marketing and what makes our services different for your small / start-up business compared to our competition.

To learn more about us, I invite you to visit our website’s about page


Robert J Taylor
Project Manager
a Rejected Stone
Christian logo design — Christian web design

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