Our Services

Our Christian Branding team

We're eager to help your Ministry
G R O W!

a Christian branding team.  Displaying "Digital Marketing Support from people who actually care

“Starting a new Ministry without a Christian branding team can sometimes seem like you’re all alone on the road—you are not sure where it’s taking you.”

Our Christianity and marketing team, including the RJ Taylor SEO Company, are here for you, so you don’t have to go alone. Whether you need the art of church growth, non-profit fundraising, or your business branding, we’ve got you covered.  We have the digital marketing know-how to help your Ministry reach its full potential.

We are your Christian Branding team.

Sprinter at starting line of race — Christian Advertising Agency
Runner finishing the race victorious - Christian Advertising Companies

a rejected stone will be working hard, behind the scenes for your organization's success

a rejected stone services infographic. Christian branding

a rejected stone

“Innovative Digital Marketing

Traditional Christian Values”


a rejected stone, a dedicated Christian Advertising Agency, including Christian branding services will be with you

Arrow pointing left toward CTA

Begin your rightful path to wealthy growth with the help of our Christian/ branding agency

Click here to plan your free 30-minute talk

Schedule your free consultation now!
Arrow pointing right toward CTA
Showing the customer what their finished website will look like on an iPad. Christian Advertising Agency

Modernize your website

● Think of your website as your digital storefront

Graphic designer working on creating the perfect logo for the client. Christian advertising companies

Logo and catchphrase

● Name, Logo, and Catchphrase = their first judgement

SEO specialist working on optimizing a customers site

Search Engine Optimazation

● It gives your site visibility

Our Christianity and Branding services

Marketing with purpose
inspired by faith

You may need all these Christian digital marketing services or just one or two.
Either way, it is quite good; our goal is to help your ministry succeed!
Voiceover artist and technician working on a clients video message. Christian branding

Video and Voiceovers

● If done right, a video surpasses the written word

Icon - Christianity and marketing blogs. — RJ Taylor SEO Company

UI / UX / Blog Writing

● In marketing, how you describe matters

Three young adults viewing social media posts

Social Media

● Social media gives you a whole new audience

Person making a purchase using a debit card. A Christian branding professional made it possible

Paid Digital Marketing

● Can offer a short-term boost to your marketing

Man checking his company email

Email Advertising

The good news:

● Great option to stay in contact with your supporters

Old school advertising meets AI

●AI (can be) a precious tool in graphic design and effective writing. Don't shy away from this and be left behind.

Our Procedure

“There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing. Every ministry has its own unique personality. This personality is important for your brand. We help you decide what tone to use (serious, funny, factual, etc.) and make sure it’s consistent. We offer fair prices and a 25-day money-back guarantee.”

Christian branding team

Christian Marketing Advice​

Are you struggling with faith-based advertising?

Do you need a fresh perspective to identify problems and come up with solutions?

We are here to help!

Digital Marketing is not a one-and-done practice. People change and Fades come and go. Your Ministry’s marketing must not only keep up but needs to keep ahead. This process requires both expertise and patience.

Who we serve

Our Service Industries


If your Church needs to extend its outreach to increase membership, or perhaps you’re trying to raise funds for a missionary or other worthwhile cause, we can help you get the word out.  That’s the art of Church growth.

Non-profit Ministries

Frankly, I can’t think of a better example of Christian love for one another than some of the not-for-profit organizations around today. My Christian Marketing Company can help you maximize your efforts.

Business owners

Working with people who share your values is essential. Your ministry provides a valuable product or service and helps others. It’s a great opportunity. We can’t guarantee success, but we’ll do our best to help you get the most out of your marketing at a reasonable cost.

When AI Meets Christian Digital Marketing

AI may be here to change the game, but we’re ready to raise the stakes*

A young couple purchasing their first home.
Click Here: 2-3 minute read

Finding Faithful Clients: How Christian Digital Marketing Propels Your Real Estate Journey

Christian digital marketing is the key to unlocking your full potential as a faith-based real estate agent. By connecting with clients who share your values, you can build lasting relationships and a thriving business. With expert help, you’ll create a powerful online presence that showcases your faith and attracts more ideal clients. Ready to turn your faith into a successful real estate career? Let’s get started.

Current businessman refusing to modernize
Click Here: 4-5 minute read

Don’t Get Left Behind:

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Sticking to tried-and-true methods can lead to stagnation as competitors innovate, consumer preferences shift, and algorithms change. To stay ahead, businesses must embrace experimentation and innovation.

Christian business woman looking at data on computer screen from a Rejected Stone, a Christian Advertising Agency
Click Here: 4-5 minute read

What are the 10 Essential Skills Every Business Today Needs?

Today, regardless of your business, staying fresh and up-to-date is essential. Trends change all the time. Having the correct products/services available when they need it will give you the key to success.

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Or better yet, visit our Contact page and select a date and time for a free 30-minute meet and greet. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

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