Statement Of Faith

Our Motivation

Our Statement of Faith

Plenty of individuals in this world use the name of Christ to gain popularity, fame, and fortune without being genuine believers. I’m a practicing Christian, not just someone looking to say the right things to get your business. My heart genuinely wants to serve you and further God’s kingdom with Christlike character and years of experience.

Though most statements of faith consist of bullet points and standard outlines, I’m a Christian creative and want to write something that isn’t generic. Allow me to speak from my heart as I share what we believe at a rejected stone. 

Christian Creative Business Man looking out window thinking
What we believe. Family praying before a big dinner

Our Mission Statement

At a rejected stone, we’re passionate about using the talents God has blessed us with to empower Christian ministries, nonprofits, and businesses to reach their full potential. We believe in working alongside our clients to achieve slow, steady growth that aligns with biblical principles. It’s about more than just marketing; it’s about honoring God in everything we do and seeing His light shine through our work.

Christian creative Man hiking incredible journey to get to Church

Jesus Christ is the Son of the one true and most high God.

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  

 Matthew 16.15-16

From the book of Isaiah, written approximately 700 years before the birth of Christ:

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.   — Isaiah 7.14

Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and was God in the flesh. He performed many miracles throughout His ministry, demonstrating His love, power, and compassion. Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross, carrying the weight of our sin in order that we might be forgiven and live in freedom. After three days, He was resurrected, triumphing over death. Following His resurrection, He appeared to many, providing evidence of His victory over the grave. Jesus then ascended into Heaven and sat at the right hand of God.  

He plays a vital role in my life here on Earth until I can be with Him again.

Our sole purpose at a rejected stone is simple: to empower ministries to reach their full potential by using our God-given creative talents.

Luke writes:

And demons also came out of many, crying out and saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of God!” And He, rebuking them, did not allow them to speak, for they knew that He was the Christ.   — Luke 4.41

The image shows a distant cross and an empty tomb. The Lord has risen, Indeed!

Jesus is the only way to salvation

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

Jesus is the only way to salvation. Unlike anyone else in history, He lived a sinless life, perfectly keeping God’s commandments. We have all sinned and fallen short. Sometimes, we can’t go a day without sinning, let alone a lifetime! Jesus lived a completely holy life and then gave Himself to suffer and die on the cross for your sins and mine. 

The wages of sin is death—we could never pay the price. He paid the price with His perfect life to give us salvation. Sin separates us from God because He is holy. Through Christ, we are able to be washed clean. Through His gift to us, we can know God and be forgiven of our sins. This offer stands for everyone who chooses to come to Him in faith. 



My story

I was not raised in a very religious home. My dad vehemently opposed church—(not God per se, but Church), while my mom only attended services on Christmas and Easter. Growing up, I had no idea why I had to go to church twice a year and get all gussied up in my little blue suit. No one ever explained it to me. I recognized Jesus meant a lot to some people, but I never understood why. 

Then something interesting happened. In 1985, when I married my first wife (may God rest her soul), I felt I was being pulled to the church. At first, I ignored it, but it was persistent and got stronger as time went on. 

Then, one Saturday afternoon, there was a knock at my door. It was Pastor John from a small Baptist church where I lived at the time. We talked briefly, he shared the gospel, and I gave my soul to the Lord that day. I continued attending his church until I left that area in late 2000. Today, I have a wonderful church community where I live now. 

I started this Christian website design and Christian advertising company to utilize my God-given project manager and SEO skills to further His kingdom.

How Our Christian Creative Venture Came to Be

One fact is evident: Retirement is not for me.

Quite some time ago, when I lived in a different state, I attended a Southern Baptist Church. I remember the pastor saying that if preaching is not your thing and you’re not sure where you fit in your spiritual journey until you figure it out, help others on their journey.

So, instead of playing shuffleboard or whatever retired people do, I’ve devoted the rest of my healthy life to helping other ministries succeed with our Christian creative talents.

Yes, I am a for-profit organization that has bills to pay.  But my solemn promise to you is this *:

  • I will never try to sell you anything you don’t need. We’re a team working toward the same goal—your success.
  • I will charge you a fair price for our services not to waste your resources.
  • I never work by the hour or day. I only have upfront, flat-fee pricing.  No surprises
  • Our Christian creative team and I will respectfully work for your ministry or non-profit as if doing it unto the Lord.
  • I will use my experience and my team’s expertise to fulfill your needs.
* I wish I could promise you the moon and riches beyond belief, similar to what many other marketing companies do. But we can’t and wouldn’t make such a claim. That would be irresponsible of me or anyone else to do that. Success depends on your focus, drive, market, knowledge of your product or service, and God’s will.  However, we promise to work hard behind the scenes to meet your expectations and exceed them daily, project by project, if you are willing to do your part. As far as we’re concerned, good enough is where we just get started.  – Bob

Works without Faith makes you an unsaved nice guy.
 Faith without Works makes you selfish and lazy.

— R. J. Taylor   Project Manager   a rejected stone  

Christian creative talents used are talents multiplied!    

Project manager at a staff meeting
Click Here: 3-4 minute read

So, what does a Project Manager do,

A Project Manager wears many different hats—a listener, a planner, and a coordinator, to name a few. We take your ideas and put them into action.

Client on phone thrilled with his marketing results
Click Here: 4-5 minute read

S.W.O.T.: It sounds like a government agency, but it is essential for faith-based marketing!

In my younger years, I thought a business plan was an unnecessary waste of time and resources for my Christian Internet Marketing faith based endeavor. Boy, was I wrong!

Church Branding Agency meeting discussing the business plan and marketing plan
Click Here: 3-4 minute read

What motivates you to be a business starter?

Marketing is what we do and we want to help you succeed. The same motivation that you have for your business we share in that. Working hard to bring others success is our Church marketing company Ministry.

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Or better yet, visit our Contact page and select a date and time for a free 30-minute meet and greet. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Our team with Christian creative talents is looking forward to helping your ministry succeed! 

To see a complete list of our blog posts, please visit our Resources page.