Statement Of Faith

Our Christian network marketing companies statement of faith

Our Motivation

Our Statement of Faith -

The Bible, the inspired Word of God, provides the foundation for Christian belief and practice. As Christians, we believe that Scripture is infallible and sufficient for all that pertains to life and godliness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). This divine revelation reveals the nature of God, who eternally exists as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, is both fully God and fully human. He has always existed and was instrumental in creation (John 1:1-2).

Humanity, marred by sin, requires salvation. Christians believe that salvation is a gift of God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). This faith leads to eternal life with God. In contrast, those who reject Christ’s offer of salvation will face eternal separation from God. The culmination of human history will be the return of Jesus Christ to judge the world and establish His eternal kingdom.

We believe that Jesus is the son of God; he died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day, and His resurrection was witnessed by many. 

Digital content writer from a Christian network marketing companies

Our Statement of Faith – Guiding Principles

We provide:

  • Honesty and Integrity: We’re honest and open in everything we do. We believe that trust is important for a good business.
  • Compassion and Care: We treat everyone with respect. We believe that everyone is special and should be treated with kindness.
  • Excellence and Quality: We want to give our customers the best products and services. We believe that doing things well is a way to honor God.
  • Stewardship: We believe that everything we have is a gift from God. We’ll use it wisely and help others.
  • Faith-Based Relationships: We want to build friendships with our customers, employees, and partners based on our shared Christian faith. We believe that having the same beliefs will help us work together— better.

Christian network marketing companies — Christian Digital Marketing — Local SEO for Churches — a rejected stone

What we believe. Family praying before a big dinner

Our Mission Statement

As a Christian Digital Marketing company and a Local SEO for Churches provider, we’re deeply honored to have the opportunity to partner with other Christian ministries, nonprofits, and businesses that are dedicated to serving the Lord. 

Our passion lies in working alongside you to help your organization reach its full potential, and we’re committed to providing the steady support and resources you need to achieve lasting success.

Our shared Christian faith creates a unique bond that strengthens our partnerships. Our commitment to honoring God in all pursuits ensures that we’ll work tirelessly to help you achieve your goals and position our efforts with the divine purpose you’re trying to fulfill.

My Story, abridged:  

I was not raised in a very religious home. My dad vehemently opposed church, while my mom only attended services on Christmas and Easter. Growing up, I had no idea why I had to go to church twice a year and get all gussied up in my little blue suit. No one ever explained it to me. I recognized Jesus meant a lot to some people, but the reasons why escaped me. 

Then something interesting happened. In 1985, when I married my first wife (may God rest her soul), I felt I was being pulled to the church. At first, I ignored it, but it was persistent and got stronger. 

Then, one Saturday afternoon, there was a knock at my door. It was Pastor John from a small Baptist church where I lived at the time. We talked briefly, he shared the gospel, and I gave my soul to the Lord that day. I continued attending his church until I left that area in late 2000. Today, I have a wonderful church community where I live now. 

Bob at desk of his Christian network marketing companies

Works without Faith makes you an unsaved nice guy.
 Faith without Works makes you selfish and lazy.

— R. J. Taylor   Project Manager   a rejected stone  

Christian creative talents used are talents multiplied!    

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