Consulting and
Strategy Planning

Sometime, a fresh set of unbiased
eyes can make a big difference!

We can help you Transform your aspirations into reality

Project Manager Bob / Business consultant
Robert J Taylor — Project Manager — a rejected stone

What is my role here?

It was once said that a Project Manager does nothing and everything simultaneously.  I find that pretty accurate.  But it goes further than that.  

It’s much more than finding the most qualified person to complete the task and oversee their efficiency.  That’s the easy part.

My expertise comes into play in the two parts before that: 1) Determining what tasks need to be done to complete the project with the desired results and 2) Finding the most cost-effective way to accomplish this.

My other job is to head our clients’ On-page, local, and technical SEO.    

What are our Strategy & Consulting services, and who can benefit from them

When planning a road trip today, you likely key your destination into a GPS device that determines the best route.    It would be nice if marketing had a GPS equivalent, but until then, we must rely on our instincts and hope God is the one leading us.

Sometimes, when strategizing, you’ve hit a brick wall. I’ve been there, done that. When this happens, I consult my mentors, and sometimes, the solution is obvious, but I can’t see it.

This is where our Strategy and Consulting services can sometimes help. We offer an unbiased approach, with fresh eyes, to perhaps generate ideas that will help you overcome a hurdle.  

If it feels like you are going in circles (in the wrong direction), we can help 

Want to trade wasted time and resources for more precise and decisive decisions—talk to us

Click here to schedule your free 30-minute chat

If not NOW, then when?
Why make success harder than it has to be

Services to help your Ministry or business

We have the three "T's" available to elevate your brand — Talent, Tools, and Time

A good marketer analyzes current trends.

A great marketer analyzes where trends are going!

Business Consultant Contact US IconContact US

We can’t call you, but you can book a free 30-minute video or phone call with us. Please tell us what you want to accomplish and answer a few questions. This will help us understand how we can help you.

Roadmap IconForm a plan of success

After gathering all the circumstances, we will brainstorm and develop a game plan, not repeating any past failures that may have occurred.  All information will be held in strict confidence. 

Business Consultant Icon showing winning gold cupLeave the competition behind

Once the new plan is mapped out and analyzed, then we put it in effect.  

Two question marks in a spoken word box. Christian SEO Company

Have questions?     Do you need a quote for a specific project?  How long will it take to complete?  Or, want to chat?

Discovering who your ideal audience is and finding a way to reach them effectively is what we do.  Think of us as your marketing team

Professional marketing talent focused on improving your bottom line

Ready To Get Started?

Book Your Free 30-Minute Video/Phone Call Now!


Services & Pricing
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