Frequently Asked Questions

What can we answer for you today?

a rejected stone – Creative Christian business names, Spiritual names for business, Motivational business names, Local SEO, Branding for Churches


For a list of our services, please visit our services page

Question: Do you have a proven method that will guarantee positive results?

Answer:  No, we do not, and I strongly recommend you distance yourself from anyone who says they do. Marketing is not now, nor will it ever be, a one-size-fits-all. All ministries are different because different people and personalities run them. Some are sincere; some are not.   Also, research takes time.  One example: Creating a creative Christian business name, catchphrase, and logo that fits your product and personality can be a lot of work. 

We at a rejected stone take the time to get to know you and the individuals who work with you. Then, we educate ourselves on your ministry and its goals. Once we have a thorough understanding, we craft a market roadmap of where we are now and what needs to be done to get us where we want to be.

We can handle any needed digital marketing service, or we can be your entire marketing team, leaving you more time to concentrate on what you do best. Our services include creating Christian / Hebrew business names, Church branding, Local church SEO, and so much more.

Question: Are you a Christian or do you just market to Christians?

Answer:  I am steadfast in my Lord Jesus Christ, my light, and my salvation. He is alive and well and at the right hand of God. I believe He will return to earth a second time to do battle, but no one knows when that will be. All the success of this company will be given to Him and Him alone. Everything has been done through his guidance.

a rejected stone – Creative Christian business names – Local church SEO – Branding for Churches

Question: Do you have a track record that proves your success?

Answer:  No, we do not, at least not at the time of this writing.  Even though our team has decades of experience in their dedicated talents, the company, a rejected stone, is a new Ministry.  Just as Walmart, Amazon, and Apple were at one time just a thought in someone’s head, and someone gave them a chance, we, too, are looking for that someone.  We will work very hard to bring you success as the Lord will.

Creative Christian business names are just the beginning.  Our branding for churches includes local church SEO, web design, and UX writing; we do it all.

At a rejected stone, we value trust above all else. We will never pretend to be someone we’re not, and we won’t resort to displaying fake testimonials.  All our testimonials are honest, sincere, and not coerced in any way, ensuring transparency in our business practices. 

a rejected stone – Creative Christian business names – Local church SEO – Branding for Churches

Question: What is your role in all this?

Answer:  My role is twofold.  I’m the project manager and perform most of all the SEO tasks.  As far as website design, UX writing, Logo design, etc.  I leave that to the professionals in their respective fields.

Question: If you hire freelancers to do most of the work, why can't I just do that instead?

Answer: That’s a good question. The answer is that you could. The problem with doing that is that the cost would most likely be 2-3 times higher, not to mention the stress that goes along with it. First, let’s not forget why you’re hiring a market team. It takes that stress off of you so you can concentrate on improving what you do.

I personally vet all of our freelancers, and the one assigned to do the work your ministry needs will be the best for that particular assignment. We get it done right the first time, which saves you time and resources. On top of that, if you disagree, we offer a 25-day money-back guarantee starting when payment is received. This is my guarantee, not the freelancers’. That’s how confident I am in their abilities.

Question: How much do your services cost, and how much should I allocate for marketing expenses?

Answer: I cannot answer this as I don’t know who you are or your needs. The job charges all of our work, never hourly or by the day, so you know upfront, and there are no surprises later. 

I think the second part of your question depends solely on what needs to be done.  The bulk of your expenses are most likely in the beginning.  People need to know you exist.  Once they know, it’s just maintenance marketing unless you’re introducing a new product or service.

Question: What services do you provide?

Answer:  We provide all digital marketing services to accomadate your small or startup business, non-profit organization, and Church or Ministry.  

Creative Christian business names, Branding for Churches, SEO services including Local church SEO, UX writing, and more.  All in a way that cares about your success just as if we had skin in the game.  

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Creative Christian business names – Local SEO – Branding for Churches

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What motivates you to be a business starter?

Marketing is what we do and we want to help you succeed. The same motivation that you have for your business we share in that. Working hard to bring others success is our Church marketing company Ministry.

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Articles can give you insight into picking the best spiritual name for your business.  Never underestimate the importance of a well-thought-out motivational business name and logo