
𝗮 rejected stone Blog Posts
For Ministries and Christian Business Owners

Recent News In Digital Marketing services
all written in-house by our associates or a guest blogger

Our primary focus is two-fold. 1) We hope you find our writings helpful in helping your ministry or business to a more successful outcome, and 2) We will introduce our services to you if you need help with Christian marketing. Either way, I hope we can meet for a no-cost/no-obligation Zoom meeting ,if for nothing else, to bounce ideas off one another. It could be a blessing for both of us.

We're a Christian web design company for Ministries and Christian business owners. We specialize in SEO for Churches and businesses.

Pastor leading an outdoor worship service Grow Your Ministry

Bringing Faith to the Forefront:

4-5 minute read. Essentially, churches need to use modern online tools to attract new members. Christian digital marketing agencies can help them do this by leveraging the internet to spread their message and connect with people looking for a church community.

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marketing Christianity - Young digital marketer having a video conference with a client, a Rejected Stone

Digital Marketing:

3-4 minute read. Dominate today's market! Digital marketing is essential for reaching your ideal customers, boosting your brand, and getting real results.
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Christmas scene at the Mall Faith Based

The Ghost of Christmas Past:

5-7 minute read. Remember when people were excited to drive to the mall at midnight on Black Friday? Most houses and towns were decorated, and many went overboard. Christmas was a BIG family event. Now, not so much.
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Thrilled Business owner making changes to his website Sociology and Marketing

What Makes a Website Successful?

6-7 minute read. The reality is that digital marketing (most of the time) is only possible with a website. Your website is your Ministry and business platform. You need to get this right, not just for yourself but also for your future supporters.
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Man praying and sharing his faith with a woman Grow Your Ministry

Share Your Faith & Reach Millions:

4-5 minute read. The Church's reach extends beyond local borders. To minister globally, we must be discoverable and communicate effectively with diverse audiences.
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Home Improvement contractor remolding a house Grow Your Ministry

Building on Faith:

2-3 minute read. A Christian digital marketing agency can help home improvement contractors reach more faith-based customers and build a successful online presence.
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Dentist examining the teeth of a young lady Strategy

Shining a Light on Smiles:

3-5 minute read. Christian digital marketing can help dentists create a solid online presence that reflects their faith, attracts like-minded patients, and builds a thriving practice.
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Pastor addressing his congregation Grow Your Ministry

Grow Your Church Online:

3-4 minute read. You need a solid digital presence and meaningful engagement to grow a church online. This can help you reach new people, strengthen their faith, and create a vibrant online and in-person Church community.
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A young couple purchasing their first home. Faith Based

Finding Faithful Clients: How Christian Digital Marketing Propels Your Real Estate Journey

2-3 minute read. Christian digital marketing is the key to unlocking your full potential as a faith-based real estate agent. By connecting with clients who share your values, you can build lasting relationships and a thriving business. With expert help, you'll create a powerful online presence that showcases your faith and attracts more ideal clients. Ready to turn your faith into a successful ...
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Current businessman refusing to modernize Sociology and Marketing

Don’t Get Left Behind:

4-5 minute read. The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Sticking to tried-and-true methods can lead to stagnation as competitors innovate, consumer preferences shift, and algorithms change. To stay ahead, businesses must embrace experimentation and innovation.
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Female Real Estate Agent with Tablet Walking with Family to the House. Real Estate Agents Websites made it happen Strategy

How a Christian Digital Marketing Agency Can Help Real Estate Agents Achieve More Clients

3-4 minute read. Today's real estate market is flooded with agents of varying skill levels. How can you rise above the crowd? The answer is to work smarter by having a solid marketing team on your side. We're here to help.
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Christian SEO professionals Faith Based

Balancing Faith and Business: Infusing Christian SEO Values in Your Marketing Strategy

3-5 minute read. We are not called to be Christian just on Sunday mornings. Our Christianity should be evident 24/7. Christian values come first in business and profits second.
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A family photo take at the beach. a Rejected Stone - Christian web design Grow Your Ministry

Building a ministry for future generations through Christian Web Design

3-5 minute read. Building a legacy. Has it been your heart's desire to start something positive now that continues on long after you're gone? Don't wait until its too late. God put you here for a reason.
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Stressed out person trying to fulfill her calling and do her own Christian SEO Strategy

Can you fulfill God’s calling and utilize Christian Marketing Strategies?

4-5 minute read. Marketing (if done right) is a full-time job in and of itself, especially when starting out or rebranding yourself. If marketing is not your thing, contact us, we can help.
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Family standing in front of their Church—a Rejected Stone, a Christian Internet Marketing company Grow Your Ministry

Can a Christian Internet Marketing Company help your Church grow?

4-5 minute read. a Rejected Stone is dedicated to utilizing our marketing skills to help Ministries of all types expand their outreach. We can help in ways non-Christian companies won’t understand.
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Illustration showing two homes for sale. One is broken down, one is polished and ready to show. "Which house reminds you the most about your website's homepage?" Our Christian web developers can help Strategy

How our Christian web developers can make your site outshine the other guys?

2-3 minute read. Compared to previous generations, marketing today is both easier and harder at the same time. It's easier because now we can market to someone on another continent as efficiently as our neighbor. It's harder because our competition is so much more.
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SEO Freelancer doing marketing for Church work Strategy

Fine-tuning Digital Marketing SEO practices in 2024

3-4 minute read. Marketing for Church / business SEO work has four different aspects, each depending on the others for success. How fine-tuned are your SEOs?
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Man thinking on ways to increase website traffic Sociology and Marketing

Five reasons why your Christian Marketing plan should abandon the Marketing Funnel

4-5 minute read. Christian digital marketing of today has to go beyond just having a better product or charging less for your service. Both are important, but long-term marketing success sprouts from one-on-one relationships.
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Christian business woman looking at data on computer screen from a Rejected Stone, a Christian Advertising Agency Grow Your Ministry

What are the 10 Essential Skills Every Business Today Needs?

4-5 minute read. Today, regardless of your business, staying fresh and up-to-date is essential. Trends change all the time. Having the correct products/services available when they need it will give you the key to success.
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Digital Market project manager in meeting with stakeholder Strategy

Why Pick Us as Your Christian Marketing Company?

4-5 minute read. Nobody can do all aspects of business on their own. If you're good at what you do, but marketing is not your thing. Relax, our Christian web design services got you covered. We have experts in all forms of digital marketing that can help your Ministry shine!
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Project manager at a staff meeting Strategy

So, what does a Project Manager do,

3-4 minute read. A Project Manager wears many different hats—a listener, a planner, and a coordinator, to name a few. We take your ideas and put them into action.
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Christian Marketing Agency designer working on a new logo Faith Based

Our Christian Marketing Agencies are here to serve

4-5 minute read. Blending Christianity and business should not bring you stress if you have the right frame of heart. You bless others by providing a product or service they need. What's un-Christian about that?
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Grow Your Ministry

3 Points You Should Expect From Your Christian Marketing Agency

3-4 minute read. I can't think of one thing that is more important to your Ministry than that of Brand Identity, mainly because it encompasses so many aspects of it. These and a lot more are fundamental questions your success depends on.
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Creative Christian woman checking social media Grow Your Ministry

Marketing Christianity with Social Media?

3-5 minute read. Social Media marketing has become the most significant advertising tool since the Internet was invented. This cost-effective marketing tool is a game changer.
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e-commerce person taking a picture pf a shoe to sell online. SEO for Churches Sociology and Marketing

Sociology and Marketing. Does understanding one bolster the other?

5-7 minute read. In my opinion, Sociology is to Marketing what flour is to bread. Sociology isn't the only ingredient, but understanding people and trends is the foundation of Ministry Marketing.
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Christian Internet marketing client Grow Your Ministry

Why Pick  Us as Your Christian Internet Marketing Team?

4-5 minute read. There are many Christian Internet Marketing companies out there for you to choose from. Our team separates itself from the pack due to our strong Christian values, and all our associates have extensive knowledge and talent in their given careers. But even more critical, we honestly do care for your success first. Find out for yourself why we have been ...
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Business associates planning a Christian Branding strategy Grow Your Ministry

How to Develop a Brand Management Strategy

4-5 minute read. The truth is that a good brand management strategy is not always hard work. However, it is very time-consuming and sometimes somewhat frustrating, especially if you're like me, enjoy planning marketing strategies, and want the job done right.
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S.W.O.T.: It sounds like a government agency, but it is essential for faith-based marketing!

4-5 minute read. In my younger years, I thought a business plan was an unnecessary waste of time and resources for my Christian Internet Marketing faith based endeavor. Boy, was I wrong!
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Church Branding Agency meeting discussing the business plan and marketing plan Grow Your Ministry

What motivates you to be a business starter?

3-4 minute read. Marketing is what we do and we want to help you succeed. The same motivation that you have for your business we share in that. Working hard to bring others success is our Church marketing company Ministry.
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Friends taking a selfie. Christian Logo Design Sociology and Marketing

Human Centered. A new marketing concept? ….. REALLY!

4-5 minute read. Marketing is more than just numbers. It’s about connecting with people, designing the right Christian logo, and taking the time to understand their wants and needs, not merely selling them something and moving on to the next guy. This way of doing business is our cornerstone and is how friendships develop, and customer loyalty runs deep.
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Blog #4 Image Faith Based

Christian digital marketing is not for wimps

4-6 minute read. Entrepreneurship is defined as dreamers looking to improve their supporters’ lives. Before starting any business, you must examine whether or not this is what you want or what you’re cut out for…..
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Grow Your Ministry

Successful marketing is What Drives Us – Part 2

5-6 minute read. One of Hockey’s all-time best, Wayne Gretzky, once had a great quote divulging his secret for career success. Like hockey, good business marketing involves much thought and planning, not merely guessing. Great business marketing starts with a good business marketing plan and adds the ability to adopt as needs change quickly.
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Faith Based

Church Growth Strategies – how messed up is that?

3-4 minute read. You can use business for the good of all or the greed of a few. I started this Christian online marketing agency because I saw a much-needed service for Christian entrepreneurs and Ministries; A well-informed faith based marketing companies that serves God before clients and clients before self.
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"Illustration shows "DAD" as a used car salesman of the 1970s and "SON" of current day using the same sales techniques that his dad used to sell cars to promote his digital marketing business. This is why hiring a Christian graphic designer is so important." Strategy

Successful marketing is What Drives Us – Part 1

4-5 minute read. The top illustration symbolizes the used car salesman of 1970 something. A very slick fellow who could glamorize just about anything with the right words. The bottom picture represents the new generation of sales professional with all the right words.
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